Sunday, August 6, 2017

Siberian Neoshaman Zarina Kopyrina

Zarina Kopyrina
Zarina Kopyrina is a Yakutian ethno singer from the Republic of Sakha, in northern Siberia. From her tiny village, she has traveled to several continents, absorbing new perspectives but ever guided by an unfailing passion for her ancestors' spiritual beliefs. Thus she has created a unique harmony between the old and the new, from the traditional deerskin tambourines and mouth harps to the latest in electronic drums. Drawing from her kaleidoscope of interactions, she blends those that speak to her to create a voice in the world that is truly her own.

Playing an instrument so closely tied to the powerful Shamans carries a daunting amount of responsibility. "At first I was scared to play," Zarina said. "It's really sacral. To be a shaman – it's not work; it's a way of living. It's a mission." A true shaman, in her view, is someone with a finger on the pulse of nature, living in the forest, possessing supernatural abilities such as hypnosis, healing and the ability to fall into trances. The title of shaman is not for her to claim, she said with assurance. Instead, she aligns herself with neoshamanism, a contemporary form of spirituality for people who live in cities, including musicians, painters, writers and more. These people don't have the full set of qualities of a shaman – yet they possess some of these aspects. "They get some signals from the universe, and they transfer information through themselves," she explained. Read more.

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Meet Mexico's Curandero Healers

Paloma Cervantes
A curandero (from the Spanish curar: to heal) is a traditional Native healer or shaman found in the United States and Latin America. However, Mexico, in particular, has a rich and fascinating history of curandero healers, who administer remedies for mental, emotional, physical and spiritual illnesses based on their evaluation. The role of a curandero or curandera can also incorporate the roles of psychiatrist along with that of doctor and healer. The history of Mexico's curanderos dates right back to the pre-Hispanic period, making it one of the country's most authentic and long-standing practices, with a firm root in indigenous culture. Here's everything you need to know about the curanderos of Mexico.

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Using Virtual Reality to Explore Consciousness

Virtual Reality is a computer technology that uses headsets, sometimes in combination with physical spaces or multi-projected environments, to generate realistic images, sounds and other sensations that simulate a user's physical presence in a virtual or imaginary environment. Virtual Reality is pursuing new frontiers in the exploration of consciousness. Similar to the psychedelic experience, Virtual Reality is opening new paths towards mystical experiences like those that have inspired foundational insights for religious and cultural traditions. Through this powerful technology, we are closer than ever to being able to enter altered states of consciousness by being immersed in the shamanic realm where time travel is possible, where we can participant directly in the evolution of creation, and where we can prepare ourselves for the next great adventure after this life. Researchers are using Virtual Reality to prepare people for death, to induce lucid dreaming, and to treat what our society calls "mental illness." Read more.