Sunday, September 24, 2017

Deer Medicine

Deer symbolizes gentleness, alertness, speed, adaptability, and the healing power of love and generosity. Deer is a magical creature that leads us into the transcendent realm of the collective unconscious, the infinite creative matrix of all that we are and have ever been. Deer hoof rattles are associated with thunder and the antlers of the buck represent antenna, which attune us to the spirit world and awaken new psychic gifts. In the physical realm, Deer reminds us to be alert and pay attention before we leap into action. Deer medicine instills an understanding of what's truly necessary for survival and what to sacrifice for the higher good. Deer teaches us to find the gentleness of spirit that heals all wounds. We must be gentle with ourselves, in spite of our errors, and gentle with others who react from a place of fear or anger. Click here to view my video "Red Deer Shaman."

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Dohee Lee: A Modern Day Performance Shaman

Dohee Lee
A composer and virtuoso performer trained at the master level in dance, drumming, singing, and shamanic music, Dohee Lee is forging a new performance form rooted in ancient Korean shamanic practices. Using the artistic tools of immersive post-modern multimedia performance - choreography, interactive electronic sound and installation and instrument design, elaborate costumes, live video manipulation and animation - she recognizes the medicinal power of personal stories and myth and makes rituals in the service of healing individuals and communities. Collaborating and improvising with musicians, spoken word and visual artists and working in site-specific and intricately designed performance spaces, Lee examines cultural memory, trauma, war, nature, human transformation, spiritual practice embedded in daily life. She creates rituals that change our perception of what performance can be.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Jaguar Medicine

Jaguar represents shamanic power, magic, shapeshifting, transformation, and the life-and-death principle. She embodies the wisdom of the underworld, the primal space of the unconscious deep within each of us. Jaguar's lesson is to move beyond your fear of the dark unknown. Jaguar is the epitome of a chaotic storm moving through your life, all the while demanding you to remain calm, centered, and grounded. This fierce animal is the gatekeeper to the unknowable. Jaguar medicine includes comprehending the patterns of chaos, walking without fear in the darkness, moving in unknown places, soul work, and reclaiming power. Invoke Jaguar to reclaim your true power. Click here to view my video "Jaguar Rising."

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Mourning Dove Medicine

Photo by Dawn Huczek
Mourning Dove is maternal, gentle, serene, and embodies peace, love, and harmony. She is linked with dawn and dusk when the veil between the seen and unseen worlds is at its thinnest. Dove can help us connect with the spirit world at these times. The Mourning Dove's song speaks to our heart and stirs our emotions. Its mournful "coo" soothes our soul and calms our troubled thoughts, allowing us to find renewal in the silence of mind. Dove teaches us that, regardless of external circumstances, peace is always within us. We need only still the mind and go within. Click here to listen to my song "Mourning Dove Dawn" on SoundCloud.