Saturday, September 23, 2023

Happy Autumnal Equinox

At the Autumnal Equinox, we begin a new cycle on the Medicine Wheel of Life, entering the West -- the home of autumn, twilight, Bear, introspection, emotions, flow, the moon, death, endings, and the element of Water. From the West flows the energy of transformation. In the West we assimilate our life experiences. Experience is the only baggage we carry with us from this Earth walk. From the West we exit the realm of physical experience and join into vast levels of experience in the spirit worlds of light, or we choose to return and walk again the sacred wheel of life.
Autumnal means autumn; Equinox means equal night. Night and day are the same length, each lasting exactly twelve hours on this day. It is at this time when light and darkness are in balance. The forces of feminine and masculine energy, yin and yang, are also in balance at this time, providing a unique opportunity to tune in and find our inner balance, harmony, and alignment.
The theme for this fall equinox is recapitulation. Recapitulation is a recapture, remembrance, and retelling of experiences, choices, actions and relationships from the past in order to digest, neutralize and file them away without any residual emotional charge. The release is the act of letting go of any attachment to the emotional content of the past event or memory.
It is important to reflect on your decisions past and present, as with every decision made something is always left behind. I recommend a ritual where you complete something with a burning of a photo, letter or object that represents what you are releasing. Make sure you spend some time dreaming up what you wish to bring into this new cycle. Share with others and do something celebratory to acknowledge change, a new creative beginning and reset.

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