Why is Shamanism Relevant?

I welcome you wherever you are on your path. This site was launched in 2010 in order to share the healing power of rhythm with like-minded members of our global shamanic community. My mission is to create a vibrant international community devoted to shamanic drumming as a vehicle for healing, consciousness expansion and community building.

Why Shamanism Now?

Shamanism is the most ancient and most enduring spiritual tradition known to humanity. It predates and constitutes the foundation of all known religions, psychologies, and philosophies. In Western culture, there is a great renewal of interest in the practice of shamanism. Recent studies by the foremost scholars on shamanism today reveal that the contemporary world still hungers for transcendent experiences because the shamanic narrative is hard-wired in us all. The cross-cultural manifestations of basic experiences related to shamanism (e.g., soul flight, death-and-rebirth, animal identities) illustrates that these practices are not strictly cultural but are rooted in innate functions of the brain, mind, and consciousness.

Many people in today's world are being called by spirit to become shamans. A yearning exists deep within many of us to reconnect to the natural world. It is a call to a life lived in balance with awareness of nature, of spirit, and of self. We live in a culture that has severed itself from nature and spirit. Humans have lost touch with the spirit world and the wisdom of inner knowing. The spirits, however, have not forgotten us. They are calling us to a path of environmental sanity, to rejoining the miraculous cycle of nature.

How does someone embark on the shamanic path? The first step is to acknowledge the calling. The next step is to begin learning about shamanism. There are growing numbers of spiritual seekers who learn about shamanism from the internet or through reading the published works of individuals who have received shamanic training. Though a blog or book is no substitute for an apprenticeship program, they can convey the fundamental methodological information. Authentic shamanic knowledge can only be acquired through individual experience; however, one must first acquire the methods in order to utilize them. Once you have learned the basic skills, your helping spirits can provide you all the training you need. I invite you to begin by reading my featured post "What is Shamanic Drumming?"

About Me

Raised in a conservative Southern Baptist Church, I had my first ecstatic experience as a youth at a church revival, an evangelistic meeting intended to reawaken interest in religion. This state of rapture and trancelike elation inspired my spiritual quest. I spent more than thirty years of my life seeking answers to some of life's most perplexing mysteries: Why am I here? What happens when you die? What is life's purpose? I explored the world's great religions, considered the philosophies of humanity, and studied the theories of modern science.

At a crucial point in my search, I came in touch with the transforming power of shamanic drumming and of an ancient shamanic way of self-knowledge. Through drumming, I found a meaningful way to express myself without words. More importantly, I discovered my true calling -- shamanic drumming. Inspired by my studies, research, and experiences, I founded Talking Drum Publications in 1991 in order to publish shamanic drumming instructional books and CDs. For the past twenty-five years I have been facilitating drum circles and hands-on experiential workshops nationwide. This blog is part of my effort to create an empowered global shamanic community for the sake of our future generations. Please feel free to browse my blog archive (located on the right sidebar) for more articles about shamanism and shamanic drumming.

Many Blessings,
Michael Drake, publisher
Contact email: talkingdrumpub@yahoo.com 
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