Showing posts with label didgeridoo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label didgeridoo. Show all posts

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Drum Circle Instrument Guide

Shamanic drum circle instrumentation centers around percussion, but may include other instruments, such as flutes, didgeridoos and other non-percussion instruments. Every musical instrument has a unique energy, spirit and sound. Sound is regarded as one of the most effective ways of establishing connections with the spirit realm, since it travels through space, permeates visual and physical barriers and conveys information from the unseen world. Sound-producing instruments facilitate interaction and relationship among all parts of the living world.

Conch Trumpets - Sound does not just travel out into oblivion. There is a call and then a response. When Iroquoian people of present-day central and upstate New York discuss "sending out a sound," they mention blowing on a conch shell to attract attention, signaling the start of a ceremony, notifying the community, and drawing the Creator's participation. The conch is sounded at the beginning of important rituals because the sound is believed to have the ability to drown out any negative words or noises that might disturb or disrupt the harmonious atmosphere. The sound of conch is understood as the source of all existence -- a cosmic womb, for when the conch is blown, it is said to emulate the primordial sound from which all else emanates.

Didgeridoos - The didgeridoo is one of the world's oldest musical instruments, originating in Australia many thousands of years ago. It is a wooden wind instrument that produces a resonant trance inducing drone called "the voice of the Earth" to support the listener in making shamanic journeys. Didgeridoos produce a range of infrasonics; extremely low frequency sound waves that are below the human auditory threshold but nonetheless enter the brain. These waves are picked up by the cochlea (labyrinth) of the ear and influence the vestibular, circadian systems of the brain. Infrasonics stimulate a wide array of euphoric trance-like states. This may help to explain why the didgeridoo found its way into Aboriginal shamanic and healing practices thousands of years ago.

Drums - The circular frame drum is the most popular instrument played in shamanic drumming circles. These drums are durable, easy to handle, and highly resonant. Plus, frame drums are less intimidating than other drum types, based on the simple design and method of play, allowing beginners to easily stroke a rhythm, and enabling those with disabilities to reap the benefits of rhythm and sound therapy. However, by their very nature, most community drum circles invite all to participate with whatever percussion instrument is available. Virtually any type of drum may be played, though most drum circles exclude drum kits. So, by all means, do not hesitate to play any instrument you have available such as a djembe, conga or tambourine.

Flutes - According to Ute-Tiwa shaman Joseph Rael, "The flute is an instrument connecting the two worlds, the non-physical with the physical. The breath of the flutist is the breath of God coming through a hollow reed; the sound is that of the invisible lover courting the visible lover, the metaphor of the lover and the beloved." The flute opens a path of communication between the spiritual and earthly realms. The flute is related to the soul, which extends far beyond the physical body, connecting us to the symphony of the universe. Something transcendent happens when you begin to play a flute. You journey deep inside yourself and bring out the cosmic music of your soul. Nothing matters -- audience, place, time -- you just get lost in the music. You become the music -- notes, rhythm and melody.

Rattles - The repetitive sound of the rattle, like that of the drum, helps induce trance states. The shaking of rattles creates high-pitched frequencies that complement the low frequencies of drumbeats. The high tones of rattles resonate in the upper parts of the body and head. The low tones of drums act primarily on the abdomen, chest, and organs of balance, while stimulating an impulse toward movement. Rattles stimulate higher frequency nerve pathways in the cerebral cortex than do drums. This higher frequency input supplements the low frequency drumbeats, thereby boosting the total sonic effect.

Voice as musical instrument - It is likely that the first musical instrument was the human voice itself. The voice can be viewed as the ultimate musical instrument, since it is capable of instant expression with no instrument required to render thoughts and feelings into sound. With the human voice, thought nearly equals sound. The voice is capable of producing an incredibly wide range and depth of expressions. Musicians often replicate aspects of the human voice with their instruments because of its pure expression and feeling. The human voice is the social glue that binds us and the most important sound in our lives.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

"Shaman's Drums" Album Release

I am pleased to announce the release of my new album "Shaman's Drums." Shaman's Drums combines trance-inducing drums, native flutes and droning didgeridoos in a rousing celebration of shamanic music. The music on this album is based on a simple trio of shamanic instruments: the drum, the flute and the didgeridoo. Each instrument opens a path of communication between the spiritual and earthly realms. Each instrument helps induce trance states, opening the inner, spiritual ear and eye. Each is related to the soul, which extends far beyond the physical body, connecting us to the symphony of the universe.

The sound of the shaman's drum is very important, for it is a voice with great power and it is a voice that is a gift to us from a greater being. Its steady beat is akin to the primal pulse, the heart, throbbing within all that exists. The shaman uses the drum to create a bridge to the spirit world and summon the healing power of spirit.

Aboriginal tradition equates the low-pitched, rhythmic resonance of the didgeridoo with the voice of the Earth itself. According to an Aboriginal Dreamtime legend, the god of creation Baiame created man and woman, giving them the didgeridoo to sound all other life into form. Didgeridoos produce a range of infrasonics; extremely low frequency sound waves that stimulate a wide array of euphoric trance-like states.

The flute is akin to birds, flight and the breath, which is spirit. Its chirp, warble, and bird-like notes make your heart soar. Its sound represents the voice of the birds, the voice of the wind and the voice of the soul -- those things that are free to move and fly. So taken all together this trio; the flute, drum, and didgeridoo, represents the whole voice of Creation. Preview the entire album on my website.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Didgeridoo Therapy

The didgeridoo is one of the world's oldest musical instruments, originating in Australia thousands of years ago. It is a wooden wind instrument that is played with continuously vibrating lips to produce a resonant trance inducing drone while using a special breathing technique called circular breathing. This requires breathing in through the nose while simultaneously expelling stored air out of the mouth using the tongue and cheeks. Playing the didgeridoo strengthens and tones the tissues of the throat, and can also provide good exercise for the respiratory system, as well as a meditation aid. According to a study published in The British Medical Journal, playing didgeridoo helped reduce snoring as well as daytime sleepiness and could improve sleep apnea. People who have experienced didgeridoo therapy have reported that they sleep more soundly and have a stronger feeling of wellness in their daily lives. Read more.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Salmon Medicine

The Salmon is an amazing creature that can grow up to four feet in length and weigh over sixty pounds. It has remarkable navigation skills. Salmon finds its way from the sea to the river of its birth and swims upstream overcoming great obstacles to reach its spawning grounds. Salmon are masters of water, which is related to the emotions and change. Salmon teaches us how to overcome obstacles and flow with the shifting waters of change. Salmon symbolizes sustenance, regeneration, continuity, fluidity, purpose, resolve, integrity, and the flow of life. Just as the sound of the drum can be used to call the spirit of the salmon into a ritual, the drum can also be used to draw salmon upriver to spawn in restored spawning grounds. Salmon are drawn to the beat of the drum because it sounds like the slap of the female salmon's tail as she scrapes out a gravel nest. The didgeridoo, like the one heard on my video "Salmon Run," originated in Australia thousands of years ago. According to Aboriginal mythology, the Creator created man and woman and gave them the didgeridoo to sound the animals into form. People of Salmon Medicine will have strong ties to the place of their birth. Merge with the salmon and swim in the river of deep knowledge -- the river of life. Plunge into the uncharted waters of the unknowable -- back to the source.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Awakening into Dreamtime

In her essay "Awakening into Dreamtime: The Shaman's Journey," Wynne Hanner explores the Australian Aboriginal concept of Dreamtime as a source of and guide to transforming our own world view. According to Aboriginal mythology, Dreamtime is a sacred era in which ancestral Spirit Beings formed The Creation. Indigenous Australians believe the world is real only because it has been dreamed into being. Hanner explains, "The Aborigines embrace the concept of 'reality dreaming', with reality and Dreamtime intertwined. Reality can be illusion, deception, learning, perception, experience, and is the evolution of consciousness in the alchemy of time. Reality shifts and changes like the flow of the collective unconscious, and is in constant motion creating new spiral patterns of experience. Reality, in its illusion, is the dream from which we all awaken. To understand and work with these concepts is to awaken into the dream." Read Awakening into Dreamtime and support your Dreamtime explorations with Didgeridoo for the Shamanic Journey.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Free Didgeridoo Guide

Joe Cheal has written a very informative guide to the didgeridoo. If you're interested in the didgeridoo, you're going to love this book! 

"To hear the Didjeridu is to hear the Universe calling. To play the Didjeridu is to answer the call." 
  --Joe Cheal 

Read or Download the Free eBook The Didjeridu: A Guide (PDF).

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Didgeridoo and Meditation

The sound of the didgeridoo shows a high representation of low frequencies, typically in the range of 50-200 Hz, which has a high physical impact on the listener and performer. The distribution of frequencies also contains not only harmonics going up to 1000 Hz but also extremely low frequencies way below the Alpha brainwaves, in the same area as the rhythms of drumming commonly used in shamanistic rituals of Aborigines and peoples all over the world, time-tested to help in inducing altered states of consciousness. This may help to explain why the didgeridoo many thousands of years ago found its way into Aboriginal shamanistic and healing practices. Read More

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Didgeridoo for the Shamanic Journey

The didgeridoo is one of the world's oldest musical instruments, originating in Australia tens of thousands of years ago. According to an Aboriginal Dreamtime legend, the god of creation Baiame created man and woman, giving them the didgeridoo to sound all other life into form. It is a wooden wind instrument that produces a resonant trance inducing drone called "the voice of the earth" to support the listener in making shamanic journeys. The shamanic journey is a time-honored method of inner consultation. It is a way of communicating with your inner self and retrieving information. Your inner self is in constant communication with all aspects of your environment, seen and unseen. You need only journey within to find answers to your questions. Read More