Thursday, April 5, 2012

"One Spirit" Drum Circle

Madge Peinkofer  facilitates the "One Spirit" Drum Circle this Sunday, April 8th at 2pm, and on the Second Sunday of each month at Woodland Chapel, 582 High St. NE, Salem, Oregon. Everyone is welcome, donation requested. This drum circle is dedicated to master drum maker Judith Thomson who died on March 25, 2012. Judith was a wise, generous, and beloved friend who mentored many drum makers and keepers in many communities across the United States and Canada. Judith and I began facilitating workshops together in 1993. I was called by spirit to teach shamanic drumming  and she was called to teach drum making. As Judith put it, "Making a drum is like pulling your heart together and giving birth to a new part of yourself." Hers was an authentic life well lived and she will be deeply missed.