Wednesday, November 13, 2013

An Invitation to Participate in a New Book

Today's post is a bit different from the usual; I am asking for your help with a project. I am in the process of writing a book titled "Shamanic Drumming Circles Guide." This book is the culmination of nearly twenty-five years of shamanic circling. Since 1989, I have been involved in facilitating shamanic drumming circles and hands-on experiential workshops nationwide. Many of the participants in my workshops were inspired to start or join drumming circles in their communities. Over the years many of these shamanic practitioners have shared the specific challenges and issues their circles experienced. This ongoing networking with other practitioners evolved into a manual which will offer some guidelines for anyone considering starting a shamanic drumming circle. The guidelines are also meant to help established drumming circles become more effective. If you have ideas for the book or want to share interesting insights that would be useful, either leave a comment below OR contact me via email and I'll get right back to you. I look forward to your thoughts. I'm excited about the prospects for this book. With your help, we can make it a truly-valuable resource for shamanic circles.

Post Update -- May 30, 2014: I am pleased to announce the publication of my new drum circle guide. I would like to thank everyone for their contributions and support. Click here to look inside my Shamanic Drumming Circles Guide.