The Waitaha Water Gathering will be held October 15-22, 2014 in Aotearoa ,
New Zealand . The Waitaha
Water Gathering happens every 50 years and has happened for thousands of years,
always behind closed doors, this year is the first time in recorded human
history that the Water people of Earth are opening up their libraries, and are
inviting us, the modern world and other first Nations to bring our wisdom to
their Gathering place for they know deeply that this is the time window in which
we need to act with peace and understanding – and to join with them in a global
water ceremony wherever we are.
Waitaha means "container of water" and the Waitaha say that
if the water inside of them is at Peace, they are at Peace – we are all 70-80% water
so we are all water containers. If you wish to partake or express your interest
in this Gathering and the 2014 International Forum on Water please visit Waitaha Water Gathering.