Sunday, September 27, 2015

Frame Drum Singing

Karen Renée Robb
Singing and drumming are extremely powerful tools for restoring the vibrational integrity of body, mind, and spirit. When coupled together, they move us to a level of awareness beyond form, a place where we discover our own divinity. You can sing while playing a frame drum or just sing directly into the drum without playing it.

When you play or sing into a drum, the sound opens a path of communication between the spiritual and earthly realms. According to Wallace Black Elk, the renowned Lakota shaman, "When you pray with that drum, when the spirits hear that drum, it echoes. They hear this drum, and they hear your voice loud and clear."

You can use musical sound to summon the healing power of helping spirits or enter the spirit world to access information directly from the source. There is a bridge on these sound waves so you can go from one world to another. In the sound world, a tunnel opens through which we can pass, or our helping spirits come to us. When you stop playing or singing, the bridge disappears. To learn more about frame drum singing, visit Karen Renée Robb's website Frame Drum Wisdom.