Sunday, March 6, 2016

A Drum Called "Rolling Thunder"

The community drum in this photo is named "Rolling Thunder." She is a Taos cottonwood log drum with a buffalo hide head. She is the most powerful, healing drum I have ever had the good fortune to connect with. True to her name, she sounds and feels like rolling thunder! Rolling Thunder has been the heartbeat of our community drum circle for over twenty years. We put our prayers into the drum before we play. We then send our prayers out into the circle of life on the voice of the drum. The resonance of the drum "shakes the earth" and the earth stops to listen.

Also called council drums, these are large drums that can be played by many people at the same time. A community drum symbolizes the heartbeat of the circle. Community drums foster and sustain a culture of engagement and collaboration. Playing together on a community drum bonds the individual members of the circle. Moreover, a communal drum can be ritually awakened and dedicated to the work, process or mission the circle. Read more about community drums.