Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Binaural Beats for the Shamanic Journey

This track is from the album Binaural Beats for the Shamanic Journey. Theta Kung consists of binaural brainwave entrainment tones for inducing a 4.5 Hz theta brainwave cycle. It has a base frequency of 172.06 Hz, which is associated with Kung, the fundamental tone in ancient China for attuning to Tao, the force that guides everything in the universe. This tone supports cheerfulness, clarity of spirit, and cosmic unity on the highest levels. Theta rhythms are associated with the deepest states of shamanic consciousness and increase creativity, enhance learning, reduce stress, and awaken intuition. All you need is a pair of stereo headphones. The recording does the rest. Listen on Spotify.


  1. You are very welcome. Thank you for commenting.

  2. I'm looking for something with the drums and call back that has the beats behind it. I used to journey easily and regularly, and used a drumming CD, but recently have been unable to. I sort of drift here and there in little snippets and keep coming back. I'm hoping a drum with the brainwave entrainment will induce the trance and get me over the hump. The reviews on Amazon were good, but one said not trance inducing and no drumming. You're quite credible about all this and i wonder your thoughts on your CD, my issue, a consultation with you...whatever. Thanks

    1. I would recommend listening to my "15 Minute Solo Drumming with Rattle and Callback" at: https://soundcloud.com/michael-l-drake/15-minute-solo-drumming-with-1
      The repetitive sound of the rattle, like that of the drum, helps induce trance states. The shaking of rattles creates high-pitched frequencies that complement the low frequencies of drumbeats. The high tones of rattles resonate in the upper parts of the body and head. The low tones of drums act primarily on the abdomen, chest, and organs of balance, while stimulating an impulse toward movement. Rattles stimulate higher frequency nerve pathways in the cerebral cortex than do drums. This higher frequency input supplements the low frequency drumbeats, thereby boosting the total sonic effect. The frequencies used on "Binaural Beats for the Shamanic Journey" are pure sine waves as opposed to orchestrated tones such as drums, ocean waves, or any other tones which will produce undesirable harmonics and corrupt the target binaural beat frequency.
