Sunday, February 28, 2016

Shamanic Artist Caroline Manière

"Sacred Drumming"
Born in 1968 in Dijon, France, Caroline Manière lives and works in Bourron-Marlotte (Paris region).


Oh! My many-colored drum
Ye who standeth in the forward corner!
Oh! My merry and painted drum,
Ye who standeth here!
Let thy shoulder and neck be strong.

Hark, oh hark my horse—ye female maral deer!
Hark, oh hark my horse—ye bear!
Hark, oh hark ye!

Oh, painted drum who standeth in the forward corner!
My mounts—male and female maral deer.
Be silent sonorous drum,
Skin-covered drum,
Fulfill my wishes.

Like flitting clouds, carry me
Through the lands of dusk
And below the leaden sky,
Sweep along like wind
Over the mountain peaks!

—Tuvas of Siberia

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Joanne Shenandoah Transplant Drive

Joanne Shenandoah (born 1958, Oneida) is a singer, composer and acoustic guitarist based in the United States. She is a member of the Wolf Clan; the Oneida Nation is part of the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois Confederacy). Her music is a combination of traditional songs and melodies with a blend of instrumentation. She has recorded more than 15 albums and won numerous awards, including a Grammy Award for her part in the album Sacred Ground: A Tribute to Mother Earth (2005), which had tracks by numerous artists. Joanne has been diagnosed with non-alcohol cirrhosis of the liver due to her entire immune system shut down during her struggle for 10 days on life support. So now she is seeking the transplant and will have a host of expenses related. To donate, visit Joanne Shenandoah Transplant Drive.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Power Song

Buryat Shamanic Poles photo by Simon Matzinger
Power Song

Oh spirits awaken with light,
On wings of the Eagle take flight.
Soar between the Earth and Sky,
And in harmony unite with me.

From the Lower World you arise,
To bring me power and advise.
Ride the winds of the World’s Rim,
Then descend to me at the Center.

—Michael Drake

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Spirit Horse Shamanic Journey

"Spirit Horse Shamanic Journey" was digitally recorded to support the listener in making shamanic journeys. As a spirit guide, Horse is a messenger to and from the spirit world and a psychopomp who leads departed souls into the afterlife. Horse represents personal power, stamina, endurance, freedom, independence, travel, adventure, and soul flight. Horse is a medicine or you could say a relationship with the spirit of Horse such that the Horse will let you (your spirit) ride him and will take you where you want to go. Do you need to get somewhere physical or spiritual? Horse will assist you and serve as your guardian spirit, giving safety in your physical and metaphysical journeys.

The shaman's horse, namely the single-headed frame drum, originated in Siberia, together with shamanism itself thousands of years ago. The repetitive, rhythmic cadence of shamanic drumming is evocative of a horse on a journey. Siberian shamans describe it as the buoyant, transcendent state that one mounts and rides from plane to plane. The wild, untamed spirit of Horse will teach you how to ride the drum into vast worlds of extraordinary richness and complexity. We can ride Spirit Horse on journeys through the inner realms of consciousness or call upon this power animal to be the courier of our prayers in remote or distant healing.

Beginning your Journey

The first seven tracks that you hear are an invocation, calling in the spiritual energies of the seven directions—East, South, West, North, Mother Earth, Father Sky, and Center (Self). Calling in the directions embeds you in the living web of life, yielding greater awareness and perspective.

When track eight begins, focus your attention on the sound of the drum, then close your eyes and feel yourself being carried away by the sound. Once you enter a trance state, you may experience a change in body temperature, feel energy flowing through your body, or find yourself twitching or rocking. It is not uncommon to hear sounds or voices. You may see colorful patterns, symbolic images, or dreamlike visions. The key is to observe whatever happens without trying to analyze the experience.

If for any reason you want to return, just retrace your steps back. You will hear a call back signal near the end of the track, followed by a short period of heartbeat drumming to assist you in refocusing your awareness back to your physical body. Sit quietly for a few moments, and then open your eyes. To learn more, look inside my book The Shamanic Drum: A Guide to Sacred Drumming.

Spirit Horse Shamanic Journey

1. East - Eagle Whistle, Apache Shaker and Native American Flute
2. South - Rainstick and Native American Flute
3. West - Ocarina, Frame Drum, Rainstick and Native American Flute
4. North - Rainstick and Native American Flute
5. Mother Earth - Conch, Frame Drum and Turtle Rattle
6. Father Sky - Long Horn and Tibetan Bell
7. Center - Singing Bowl
8. Spirit Horse Journey - Cajon Drum
9. Call Back Signal - Frame Drum

Sample and Download at CD Baby--Spirit Horse Shamanic Journey, mp3 download, 64 min., $8.99.
Sample and Download at Amazon--Spirit Horse Shamanic Journey--mp3 download, 64 min., $8.99.
Sample and Download at iTunes--Spirit Horse Shamanic Journey--mp3 download, 64 min., $9.99.
Buy the CD at Amazon--Spirit Horse Shamanic Journey, audio CD, 64 minutes, $12.99. 15 Minute Spirit Horse Journey