Sunday, July 22, 2018

Starting a Shamanic Drum Circle

A shamanic drum circle is a place for practitioners to get together for learning, healing, and the direct revelation of spiritual guidance. Starting a drum circle begins with getting the word out. This means doing outreach to new age bookstores and local events listings in community newspapers, college campuses and the local shamanic community. If possible, begin promoting your first drum circle at least six weeks in advance. Follow up with reminders a few days before the event. Don't be discouraged by a low attendance. When they meet on a regular basis, drum circles have a natural tendency to grow over time. If you drum, they will come. What you communicate about the drumming circle has a great impact on who will join and what they will expect. For posters and promotional materials, emphasize the benefits of being a member of a shamanic drum circle. Make sure to include key phrases like:
  1. "A supportive community for shamanic practitioners;"
  2. "Deepen your knowledge of shamanic practice;"
  3. "Build community through rhythm;"
  4. "Promote understanding of self and others;"
  5. "Foster authentic connections and relationships;"
  6. "Elicit wisdom, insight, ideas and points of view;"
  7. "No prior musical experience necessary;"
  8. "Instruments will be provided;" 
  9. "Please bring a drum;"
  10. "Drug and alcohol free!"
To learn more, look inside my book Shamanic Drumming Circles Guide.

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