Sunday, November 4, 2018

Post-Tribal Shamanism

Post-Tribal Shamanism: A new look at the old ways, by Kenn Day, is based on teachings from the author's spirit helper, Grandfather, as well as his experiences from 30 years of shamanic practice. This book contains a wealth of information about shamanism, including a wide range of useful practical exercises. The book covers topics including social evolution and post-tribal ethics, as well as exploring the differences and similarities between the work of the traditional shaman and the contemporary post-tribal shaman. The practical information and exercises include such essentials as: connecting with our ancestors, journeying techniques, working with a wide range of spirits, soul retrieval and healing the invisible wound. It also includes exercises in lucid dreaming, ceremony and ritual, as well as preparing for death. The author cautions that no book or workshop can make you into a shaman, however the practice of post-tribal shamanism can benefit and enrich anyone's life. In this book he has provided a multitude of techniques for the reader to explore plus a wide range of information about post-tribal shamanic practice. I highly recommend it for anyone interested in shamanism. Look inside Post-Tribal Shamanism.

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