Sunday, March 3, 2019

The Therapeutic Effects of Shamanic Flute Music

The Native American flute, a traditional ethnic wind instrument developed by indigenous Native American cultures, is an end-blown flute fashioned either from cane, hardwood, or softwood. The instrument evolved from traditional uses in courtship, treatment of the sick, ceremony, signaling, legends, and as work songs. During the late 1960s, the United States saw a roots revival of the flute, with a new wave of flutists and artisans. Today, Native American style flutes are being played and recognized by many different peoples and cultures around the world.

The Native American flute is sometimes used by music therapists. Because of its simple and accessible design, virtually anyone can play the flute. A recent study exploring the therapeutic effects of listening to the Native American flute found that flute music decreases anxiety and increases perceptions of interconnectedness in individuals diagnosed with a trauma related disorder. Flute music facilitates perceptual experiences of integration related to trauma, as well as expanded consciousness. The use of music with issues of trauma, as well as facilitating unity consciousness, appears timely. Music can reach where nothing else can and perhaps when nothing else can. Poets, philosophers and musicians have expressed what most people have experienced, that music has the power to deeply touch the heart and the soul, and the capacity to transform and transcend. To learn more, read "The Effects of Sacred Shamanic Flute Music on Trauma and States of Consciousness."

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