Sunday, July 9, 2023

The Power and Symbolism of the Double-Headed Drum

In the shaman's world, the drum is a most sacred instrument. The double-headed drum is believed to embody the sacred forces of the cosmos through its sounds, structural features, contents, and connection to shamanic trance. The various parts of the drum also symbolize the structures of the world. Cosmologically, the drum depicts a microcosm of the universe with its three cosmic zones--the Upper, Middle, and Lower Worlds. The two drumheads symbolize the Upper and Lower Worlds.
Since the hides covering the two sides of the drum are never able to be strung to precisely the same tautness, one side will always have a slightly higher pitch than the other side. The higher-pitched head of the drum tends to affect higher levels of consciousness. Typically, shamans associate this drumhead with the Upper World, sky and masculine yang energy. It is linked to the mythic Spirit Eagle who perches atop the World Tree. Eagle Brother will carry the shaman’s prayers to the Upper World, or the shaman may transform into Spirit Eagle and soar into the celestial realm. The shaman and the eagle are both intercessors between the celestial and human realms.
The opposite or lower-pitched head of the drum affects deeper levels of consciousness. It is commonly associated with the Lower World, feminine yin energy and the archetypal Horse of mythology. The repetitive, droning rhythm of shamanic drumming is suggestive of a horse on a journey. Throughout Mongolia, shamans describe it as the exalted, buoyant state that one mounts and rides from plane to plane. Mongolian shamans ride omisi murin, their name for Spirit Horse, into the Lower World on healing journeys or direct Spirit Horse to carry the power and healing to the intended destination.
The rim of the drum symbolizes the Middle World and is connected to the World Tree (Tree of Life) through the wood of the frame and its association through all trees back to the First Tree. Like the World Tree, which links the upper and lower realms of existence, the rim links the two sides of the drum--the yin and the yang. A double-headed drum integrates the feminine and masculine aspects of the Universe within itself. It restores the balance of these polar, yet co-creative elements.
The two drumheads also symbolize the two states of existence--unmanifest and manifest. When a double-headed drum is vibrated, it produces dissimilar sounds which are fused together by resonance to create one sound. The drumbeat is the tuner sound, the sound that fuses the unmanifest and manifest aspects of vibration into one resonance. The sound thus produced symbolizes Nada, the cosmic sound of AUM, which can be heard during deep meditation.
Unlike a single-headed drum, which has no space in its design to store energy, a double-headed drum is able to hold power, which is utilized in certain shamanic work. When playing a two-headed drum, you can feel the energy you generate move from the head being struck to the opposite head, resonate it, then bounce back and out. You should feel an echo, a rebound of sound within the drum’s shell. That way the energy circulates, comes back, and you can use it again. You know that you are playing the drum correctly when you feel that subtle recoil in your hands or on the drumstick and hear the drum shell ringing. The whole drum needs to sing.
From a shamanic perspective, caretaking the drum and playing it properly during ritual fulfills the destiny of the human spirit--to sustain the order of existence. In the rapture of ritual drumming, the shaman brings the Tree of Life into existence, opening a path of communication with the world above and the world below. Materialized in the drum, the trunk of the tree goes through the Middle World; its roots plunge to the nadir in the Lower World, and its branches soar to the zenith in the highest layer of the Upper World. The drum becomes the axis mundi or central axis through which the shaman maintains the world's equilibrium. To learn more look inside my book The Shamanic Drum.

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