Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Didgeridoo Therapy

The didgeridoo is one of the world's oldest musical instruments, originating in Australia thousands of years ago. It is a wooden wind instrument that is played with continuously vibrating lips to produce a resonant trance inducing drone while using a special breathing technique called circular breathing. This requires breathing in through the nose while simultaneously expelling stored air out of the mouth using the tongue and cheeks. Playing the didgeridoo strengthens and tones the tissues of the throat, and can also provide good exercise for the respiratory system, as well as a meditation aid. According to a study published in The British Medical Journal, playing didgeridoo helped reduce snoring as well as daytime sleepiness and could improve sleep apnea. People who have experienced didgeridoo therapy have reported that they sleep more soundly and have a stronger feeling of wellness in their daily lives. Read more.