Sunday, April 21, 2024

How to Do a Therapeutic Drum Massage

A therapeutic drum massage is a profound way to restore the vibrational integrity of body, mind and spirit. Through the natural law of resonance, the sound waves produced by the drum impart their energy to the resonating systems of the body, mind and spirit, making them vibrate in sympathy. When we drum, our living flesh, brainwaves and spiritual energy centers begin to vibrate in response. This sympathetic resonance forms new harmonic alignments, opens the body's energy meridians, releases blocked emotional patterns, promotes healing, and helps connect us to our core, enhancing our sense of empowerment and stimulating our creative expression. A single-headed frame or hoop drum works best for a drum massage. The larger the drum, the greater the resonance. You will need a partner to act as your client. The basic steps are as follows:
1. First, have your partner lie down on his or her back on a blanket spread on the floor of a quiet room. During the drumming, the client's only task is to remain still and relaxed with eyes closed and to stay aware of what they are experiencing.
2. Kneel down next to the client and hold the drum so that the lacing or open end opposite the drumhead faces the client. Most of the sound energy from a single-headed drum flows out through the opening opposite the head of the drum. By holding the drum over the client in this manner, a resonating energy current will flow readily into the client when you strike the head of the drum.
3. Starting at the feet of the client, begin drumming a rapid cadence of about three to four beats per second. Find the drum's sweet spot and make it sing and hum. Work the drum to build up the hum of the overtones. These are the best frequencies for healing.
4. Crawling along beside the client, gradually move the drum from the feet to the top of the head. Keep the drumhead parallel to the client and 18 to 24 inches above the body.
5. Listen very carefully to the sound and resonance of the drum as you move it back and forth over the body. It is not unusual for the drum to go flat or lose its resonance over a portion of the body that is in need of healing. When this happens, continue to drum that area until the drum begins to sing again. Let the drum do the healing.
6. Upon reaching the top of the head, make your way gradually back down to the feet.
7. Upon returning to the feet, make certain that you drum this area for at least a minute to firmly ground the client back into his or her body.
Standing Drum Massage
A standing drum massage should also be explored. Have the client stand with his or her feet parallel and about six inches apart. Their knees should be slightly bent, removing any strain on the lower back that would occur if the knees were locked. The arms should rest easily at the sides of the body. You should stand about two feet away, facing the client, and perform the basic steps of the exercise as outlined above. You will have to kneel or squat down to effectively drum the client's feet, and then gradually stand as you bring the drum up the body. It is not unusual for the client to rock or sway while being drummed.
A variant of the standing version can be undertaken with up to four drummers. Have the drummers stand at the four cardinal points with the client standing in the center, facing whichever direction he or she feels most appropriate. The four drummers should drum in sync as they move up and down the body. It is not necessary to move in sync, since each drummer may find that a different portion of the client's body requires more attention. Be careful that you don't overwhelm the client with an energy overload. Four drums will generate a powerful vortex of energy and move it up the body from the feet to the top of the head. This ascending surge of energy tends to give the client the sensation of leaving the body through the top of the head. It is very powerful and ecstatic--a peak experience. When the drummers reverse direction, they bring the energy back down into the physical body and help ground the client.
Finally, there is a very powerful group variant of the standing version. The group version works well with eight or more participants. I have facilitated this exercise with groups of up to 40 people. First, divide everyone into two equal groups--one group of drummers and one group to be drummed. All participants in the group to be drummed should stand shoulder to shoulder in a circle, facing outward. The drummers should then form a circle around this inner circle and perform the exercise as outlined above. Upon completion of the exercise, the participants in the inner circle should exchange places with those in the outer circle, then repeat the exercise. 

Allow your intuition to guide you when performing a drum massage. Experiment with different postures, tempos, and rhythms. There is no single right way to do it. Each person must ultimately go within to find his or her own way.