Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Snowy Owl Medicine

by Michael Drake

I recently had some crown work done on my teeth. I always call in a special spirit helper to aid me (and the dentist) during such procedures. This helping spirit first came to me several years ago during a previous dental procedure.

At the time, I was anxious about the appointment. As I sat in my dentist's waiting room, I calmed and centered myself. I called in my spirit helpers for help and healing. Spirit Bear came immediately. It was not until I sat down in my dentist's chair that Snowy Owl first appeared. Here is what happened.

As I settle into my dentist's chair, I close my eyes. I empty myself to allow spirit to fill me. I become like a hollow bone and go deep within. Snowy Owl glides silently to me on outstretched wings, full of mystery and power. She instills courage, confidence and a serene calm within me. She quells the impulse to fly in fear.

Snowy Owl bears the silence and numbing cold of the Arctic North. She has as a soothing, anesthetic effect upon me. Instilled with her predator vision, I have great awareness of all that is around me. Unbound, I soar into the "blue," high above a vast treeless plain cleansed by a blanket of newly fallen snow.

As my journey transpires, part of my consciousness is still lightly connected to the ordinary reality of my physical surroundings. This is necessary during any shamanic work, not just when visiting your dentist or doctor. One must be aware of what is taking place on both the physical and spiritual planes of our multi-dimensional world. You can then respond accordingly to the dentist or the spirits as the need arises.

I feel safe and nurtured during the entire procedure. My dental work and my spirit journey end after nearly two hours. Before I arise from my euphoric slumber, Snowy Owl reveals herself to me as a Goddess. I see long tendrils of windblown hair framing a scintillating face. Her grace, beauty and form eclipse the boundaries of my perception. She possesses special powers not found in other animals. Nature's forces favor Snowy Owl. She is "Wakan."

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