Sunday, May 27, 2018

10 Ways You Can Change the World

Whether you realize it or not, you are creating your reality all the time. Quantum physics points out that this is a participatory universe in which the power to change reality is literally in our hands at every moment. When we are oblivious to the power that we all share to create our collective reality, that power slips away from us and our reality becomes a nightmare. We begin to feel like victims of a dark and chaotic creation that we are unable to influence or change. We are inundated with negative world events that create anxiety, fear and hopelessness. The only way to end this dreadful reality is to awaken to the fact that it is imaginary, and recognize our ability to imagine a better story, one that the universe will work with us to manifest. Here are 10 ways you can change the world:

1. Hold yourself accountable: Holding yourself accountable is the first step to realizing that your life is under your own control. Accept yourself and your circumstances. Accept responsibility for who you are right now. It's not other people who made you the way you are, but only your own choices, thoughts and actions.

2. Recognize your assumptions: Our perception includes a lot of assumptions which contribute to preconceived ideas that keep us stuck in a narrow perspective on our personal and social reality. The next big innovation for our species is not a new technology: it is a new way of seeing.

3. Cultivate positive thoughts: Your life experiences are the product of habitual beliefs and expectations or, in other words, your appetites. What you ingest or pay attention to becomes what you know as yourself and your world. If you are content with the current situation, that is great. If not, then you must refocus your attention toward more positive thoughts, opinions, and attitudes. Shifting your attention into a new pattern will revitalize and renew your life. Pay special attention to the information, ideas, and images you allow to enter your mind, for seemingly harmless thought forms shape your experience.

4. Silence your internal critic: Your internal critic is the subconscious part of you that influences your negative thoughts and actions against yourself. It seeks to destroy your self-esteem so that you remain ineffective, paralyzed by fear and indecision. Subdue your inner critic by developing the habit of self-reflection. 

5. Know your body: Your body is your compass. Both physical and emotional feelings are registered in the body. There is wholeness and groundedness in this way of perceiving that is more reliable than the mind. The mind doesn't really produce a feeling. It chatters incessantly and shows images, but there is no true feeling in it. You feel the truth in your body.

6. Learn how to deal with dissonant energy: Dissonant thought patterns such as hate, fear, and doubt set in motion the degradation of matter. Individual and collective thought forms of conquest, manipulation, and oppression are among the most destructive. We must learn to deal with this dissonant energy. We cannot make sense of it because it is entirely destructive. Instead we must hold steady within ourselves and observe its chaotic behavior from a place of power. If we do this, it will be unable to feed on us. We can transmute this dissonance by acknowledging the four directions, by renewing a holistic connection to the cosmos and participating directly in the evolution of creation.

7. Appropriate destruction: From a shamanic perspective, all creation is based on some form of destruction. In order to create something new, something old first must be destroyed. The old form is taken apart and from its energetic source, something new arises. One powerful universal shamanic motif is the dismemberment of the apprentice during the initiation as a shaman. The individual dies a symbolic death and is then restored and brought back to life. An appropriate destruction measure for anyone would be to get rid of anything that does not contribute to personal growth and learning. This would include the elimination of unnecessary possessions, ideas, habits, and limiting beliefs that no longer serve you. Situations, careers, or relationships that no longer resonate with you will eventually fall away from your life. When you clear out the old, you make way for the new.

8. Choose to see through your fear: Your fears distort your reality. Fear lulls us into inaction. All the so-called problems in the world are fed by the energy of fear. When you get caught in fear, you end up feeding the negative drama that's playing out on earth. So, each time fear arises, remember to return to what is happening in the present moment, not your imagined idea of what is or of what could happen.

9. Keep your heart open: One of the most important things you can do at this time is to keep your heart wide open. To keep your heart open, be willing to accept what life brings you. If there are challenges on your path, trust that there is a lesson to be learned and growth will occur as a result. We are always tested by the spirits from time to time to see if we have a clear and open heart. You must show the spirit world that you have passion and heart. You must be willing to take risks. It never really ends. You must prove yourself again and again. A meaningful path must have heart.

10. Know that you create your own reality: A fundamental principle of physics is that the observer creates the reality. As an observer, you are personally involved with the creation of your own reality. You are creating your own reality all the time. Every thought you think, every emotion you feel is creating your reality. Give yourself the permission to create the life you want. As responsible human beings, let us affirm a world of peace, harmony, and balance. Let us cultivate care for life and one another. See things as they are, in process of change, without fixation on imbalance; see the potential and call it forth.

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