Sunday, April 14, 2019

Mindful Grounding Techniques

Grounding is a technique that gets you rooted in your body and helps keep you in the present moment. It is only in the present moment that you can fully live your life. Grounding techniques are designed to redistribute the energy from your head into your body. Doing so has an almost instant calming effect. Grounding can reduce anxiety, quiet the mind and connect you to your inner voice. These simple techniques can ground you in your own truth and help you get to know your inner self. Grounding is also essential for basic health and survival. Grounding enhances your ability to function effectively on a day-to-day basis. When poorly grounded, your spatial awareness is impaired. Spatial awareness is the ability to understand and interact with the environment around you. When ungrounded, you may feel scattered, off-balance, and find yourself tripping a lot.

Grounding begins with mindful breathing. The most basic way to do mindful breathing is simply to focus on your breath as you inhale and exhale. You can do this while standing, sitting or even lying down. You can keep your eyes open, but you may find it easier to hold your focus if you close your eyes. You do not need to do anything to your breath. Just breathe naturally and focus your attention on where you feel your breath in your body. It may be in your abdomen, chest, throat or nostrils. As you do this, your mind may start to wander. This is perfectly natural. Just notice that your mind has wandered, and then gently redirect your attention back to the breathing. Stay here for five to seven minutes. It helps to set aside a designated time for mindful grounding each day.

Another fast and effective technique is simply to stand like the mythical World Tree (axis mundi), or Tree of Life. Stand with your feet parallel, about six inches apart, and your toes aimed straight ahead. Your knees should be slightly bent, removing any strain on your lower back. Now stretch your arms out from your sides so that you stand as a cross-tree at the center of all things. Close your eyes and imagine that you are the World Tree standing at the very navel of the universe. Your roots tap deeply into the underworld, and your crown touches the heavens.

Get outside and enjoy nature. Try walking, gardening or just sitting under a tree. Touching a tree can help you ground and discharge negative energy from your body. Physically touching or sitting on the earth will have a calming and grounding effect. Take in the beauty of nature with all of your senses. Breathe in the colors, shapes and textures. Immerse yourself in the sights, sounds and smells. Allow the natural world to ground you in the present moment. Nature calms, helps you connect to something larger than yourself, and provides a much-needed break from your busy life. In the modern world we often get so caught up in our busy lives that we forget to honor our inherent connection with the natural world.

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