Sunday, November 29, 2020

What is Smudging, and How is it Done?

Smudging is the burning of herbs for cleansing, purification, and protection of sacred space. Smudging cleanses the mind and environment by dispelling any stagnant or unwanted energy. Sage, cedar, juniper, and sweetgrass are commonly used for smudging. 
To smudge, light the herbs in a fire-resistant receptacle, and then blow out the flames, or burn them on a hot coal or pressed charcoal tablet. When using charcoal tablets, the smudge bowl should be filled with sand or a flat stone to prevent overheating the container. I recommend cracking a window or door for ventilation and for releasing unwanted energies.

Next, use a feather or your hands to draw the smoke over your heart, throat, and face to open the energy channels of your body and raise your personal power or windhorse. According to Mongolian shamanism, windhorse, or hiimori, can be increased through smudging, drumming, and other forms of shamanic practice in order to accomplish significant aims.

In Tuva, juniper smoke is sacred and an intricate part of everyday life. Sacred smoke encircles the shaman’s patient, family, and yurt or sacred space. It is the smoke of blessing, purifier, prayer sender, and also the extractor of disease. Smoke is also one of the foods for spirits. The spirits eat just as people eat. Tuvan shamans believe that "if the spirits are not fed, the ritual may not go well."

The following is a list of herbs that I use in my shamanic practice. You can use them independently or mix them together in a smudge bowl. Each plant imparts specific qualities when burned. Remember to thank the plant or tree spirit whose body made the cleansing possible. To assist you in creating sacred space:

1. Smudge with the smoke of cedar or juniper for protection, deep cleansing, and the dispelling of negativity.
2. Smudge with white sage or common sagebrush for cleansing, blessing, and for calling in the specific spirits that you require to aid you in the task at hand.
3. Burn sweet grass, the breath of the Earth Mother, to attract and draw in the helping spirits that are called upon. 

4. Use copal resin, the blood of trees, to honor the Tree People for providing our first breath, which is spirit, and to call upon the ancestral spirits for their oversight, insight, and protection. 

5. Burn Palo Santo, which translated means "holy wood," as an energy cleanser and to attract sacredness and benevolence to a space.
6. Offer tobacco smoke or a pinch of dry tobacco to carry your prayers to the Loom of Creation, thereby reweaving the pattern of existence in accordance with those prayers.

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