Sunday, December 11, 2022

Free Shamanic Songs and Chants

I recorded a collection of multicultural songs and chants in 2011 and made them freely available for download at I learned these songs and chants from shamanic mentors and spirit guides. When a spirit is invoked, there is often an accompanying rhythm and chant that evolves. Shamanic practitioners often use specific rhythms and chants to "call" their spirit helpers for the work at hand. Each practitioner has his or her own song. It announces the shaman to the spirits and proclaims, "this is me…please help me." The song is usually sung near the beginning of the ritual and is often accompanied by drumming. The drum opens portals to the spirit world and summons the helping spirits.
Sacred or shamanic music is traditionally performed as part of a ritual, however it is not a musical performance in the normal sense. The music is directed more to the spirit world than to an audience. The practitioner's attention is directed inwards towards communication with the spirits, rather than outwards to any listeners who might be present. The practitioner is focused on the healing intention or spiritual energy of what he or she is playing, to the point that musical considerations are minimal.
Singing and drumming are extremely powerful tools for restoring the vibrational integrity of body, mind, and spirit. When coupled together, they move us to a level of awareness beyond form, a place where we discover our own divinity. Each song and chant on this recording has a specific purpose for invoking or paying homage to helping spirits and deities. Each one creates a vibratory resonance that allows these forces to be called forth. You can download Sacred Songs and Chants at:

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