Thursday, December 21, 2017

Winter Solstice: Return of the Light

In the Northern Hemisphere, the Winter Solstice is the shortest day of the year and the first day of winter. This occurs December 20, 21, or 22, varying from year to year, dependent upon the elliptical path of the Earth around our Sun. Technically the solstice marks the instant at which the Earth's axis stops tilting away from the sun and starts going back the other way. Solstice means "Standing-Still-Sun." At Winter Solstice, the Sun journeys farthest south in its orbital path and for the next three days it rises and sets at virtually the same place on the horizon, appearing to stand still, and then it slowly returns north.

This three day pause in the Sun's movement is a time of inward reflection. We are each given the opportunity to take a peek at what is happening on a heart and soul level. We can reflect on the year ending to see where we have erred and reform those beliefs, attitudes, and strategies no longer applicable to the New Year unfolding. Such a fresh open-minded approach will broaden our perspective and start us out on the right track.

Ancient peoples in our northern climes regarded Winter Solstice as the pivotal time of year. It is a time of transition in the annual cycle when the old year ends and our journey into the New Year begins. It is a sacred time to conduct ceremonies focused on the return of light and warmth. Rituals designed to divert nature from the path toward eternal winter and oblivion to one directed toward light and prosperity. Most cultures planned festivals and celebrations at or around the Winter Solstice to ensure that the Sun would return.

The Pueblos of the American Southwest have honored the Winter Solstice for thousands of years. Zuni Indians celebrate Shalako and Hopis begin the observance of the month long Soyal with rituals to insure victory of light over darkness. Hopi priests wear feathers in their headdresses symbolizing the Sun's rays. Sacred underground structures called kivas let in the rays of the rising and setting Sun and Moon throughout the year. Among the Pueblos, Winter Solstice is an affirmation of the continuation of life; that the cyclical order of time and the cosmos will continue intact.

Fire and light have always played a central role in the Winter Solstice ceremonies. In much of northern Europe people ignited huge bonfires. Lighted candles were often placed on the branches of evergreen trees, which symbolized survival and eternal life. These symbols of warmth and lasting life were lit to hasten the "old" Sun's waning and the "new" Sun's rebirth. People often tied apples to the branches of firs and oaks to remind themselves that summer would eventually return. In the British Isles, mistletoe was placed upon altars. Mistletoe's golden color was believed to store the power of the Sun, especially when plucked at the solstice.

In Peru, the people fasted for three days prior to the solstice. At dawn on the morning of the fourth day, everyone gathered in the public plaza to watch the sunrise. When its light appeared, the celebration began with shouts of joy. At the Sun Temple the rays of the Sun were focused with a mirror to make a fire. This sacred fire was carried to all the outlying temples, where it was kept burning on the altars throughout the year.

In my own solstice celebration, I like to incorporate a sacred fire. Before the Sun sets on the solstice, I will light a large candle or oil lamp, call the spirit of the Sun into that fire, and allow it to burn until morning, when his spirit has returned to the sky.

On the Winter Solstice we are all praying, on some level, for the darkness to end. "Just return the light!" the ceremonies seem to say. As we celebrate the return of the light, we affirm the continuation of life at the very moment of dissolution. To be sure, dark days lie ahead. But contained within each is the promise of brighter tomorrows.

Sunday, December 17, 2017

"Drum Sounds and Their Meanings"

Mickey Hart
Mickey Hart is an American Grammy winning percussionist and musicologist. He is best known as one of the two drummers of the rock band Grateful Dead. In 2014 Mickey wrote an excellent article for Smithsonian Folkways titled "Drum Sounds and Their Meanings." This article focuses on how drums are used in many cultures to communicate, play, work, as well as express cultural connections to death, war, and spirituality.

The drum plays a role of great importance in many cultures for its rhythm develops a oneness of feeling and purpose with the rhythms of life. According to Mickey: "There are three fundamental rhythms that each of us experiences: the personal rhythm of the human body, the larger social rhythm of the family, tribe or nation, and the enveloping cosmic rhythms of the planets and the universe." Mickey outlines the ingenious ways that we use drums and percussion of all kinds to manipulate and experience these rhythms. He also shares his favorite drum tracks, while explaining their meaning in our lives and culture. Read more.

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Shamanism Without Beliefs

Shamanism is the spiritual practice of ecstasy. Ecstasy is defined as a mystic, prophetic, or poetic trance. Practitioners focus on voluntarily entering altered states of consciousness in which they access personal revelation and spiritual experience. The aim of shamanism is to connect with your essence. Like Buddhism and Taoism, shamanism is about remembering, exploring, and developing the true self. Shamanism places emphasis on the individual, of breaking free and discovering one's own uniqueness in order to bring something new back to the group.

When a practitioner has rigid beliefs about shamanism, they aren't practicing shamanism. The rigidity of beliefs (dogmatism) moves a belief system into the realm of a religion, but shamanism is not a religion. Religion is any cultural system of designated behaviors and practices, world views, texts, sanctified places, ethics, or organizations that relate humanity to the supernatural or transcendental. The cultural imprinting of a religion leaves the individual outside the realm of personal spiritual experience.

Shamanism has no hierarchy, no prophets, no temples, no scriptures, and no dogma. There is no dogmatic creed because but shamanic practice demands your active participation in creating an organic, evolving vision of the world. Shamanism requires no faith in anything but your own experience of it. Rigid thinking will only keep you stuck in a narrow perspective, distorting your perceptions of reality. Rigidity is resistance, and resistance will shut you down, block your connection with inner truth, and prevent you from seeing the true nature of the universe.

So if you want to have beliefs about shamanism, that's fine, but you need to set them aside when you practice shamanic trance. The shamanic state of consciousness (SSC) disengages you from the rigid patterns that suppress the manifestations of individualism. Ecstatic trance enables you to participate directly in the work of encountering and transforming your inner structure, which mirrors your culture. Structure determines how energy will flow, where it will be directed, and what new forms and structures will be created. Through the transformation of your inner landscapes, you transform the external landscapes. You create new forms, new structures that are not based on hierarchy, estrangement, and exploitation. You renew the sacred hoop of harmony and balance. This is the work of the shaman.

Sunday, December 3, 2017

10 Effective Energy Clearing Techniques

Energy clearing is a term used to describe specific techniques that people ought to adopt in order to keep their aura, or energy field, clean from the negative thoughts and emotions of others. Our auras interact continuously with the energy of others. Whether we realize it or not, we are attracting harmful energetic vibrations from our environment. Picking up negative energy that is not ours can make our energy field less balanced, and can cause blockages to the natural flow of energy in our body. We may feel tired, unbalanced, anxious, depressed, or even sick. We can clear our fields through various cleansing techniques, leaving us feeling relaxed and rejuvenated. Energy clearing also releases negative, limiting, or otherwise outmoded patterns of belief that aren't serving us anymore. Here are 10 effective energy clearing techniques:

1. Create Your Own Sacred Space

Sacred space is that territory that we enter for spiritual and inner work. Regardless of your spiritual beliefs, having a special place in your home reserved for quiet introspection, reflection and spiritual connection can nourish your soul. A sacred space can be any location in your home where you can be by yourself and find a place to be fully self-expressed. Be creative with this, but find a special place for you to go at least once a day. Whether you practice meditation or prayer, you are clearing out old energy and filling your space with the good vibrations.

2. Deep Breathing Exercises

The simple act of breathing deeply and slowly for a couple of minutes is an essential tool for clearing energy. Deep breathing increases blood flow, reduces stress and blood pressure, and releases toxins from the body. Simply close your eyes and focus on the breath as it enters the nose and fills your lungs, then gently exhale any tension you might feel. As you inhale, feel the air revitalizing your body and energy field. As you exhale, feel your body and field being cleared of negative thoughts and emotions, or anything that no longer serves you. Allow it to drift off on the air of the wind, on the breath of life. Continue breathing with a series of even inhalations and exhalations until you are calm and relaxed.

3. White Light Cleansing

Light--imagined or real--is a powerful aura cleanser. White light can be called upon by anyone for cleansing, healing and protection from negative energies. Lie or sit comfortably. Do some deep breathing to calm and focus your mind. Visualize a sphere of white light emanating from your heart. Just allow it to expand outward until it completely fills and surrounds you. Envision the white light purifying and restoring your body, and displacing any negative or foreign energy. Really focus on seeing it clearly in your mind, and keep building it up so it's brilliant and glowing. You can keep expanding the light, sending peace and love out into infinity.

4. Cleanse Yourself and Your Home of Negative Energy Daily

Smudge yourself and your home each day. Smudging is a method of using smoke from burning herbs to dispel negative energy and open the energy channels of your body. Sage, cedar, and sweetgrass are traditionally used for smudging. Light the herbs in a fire-resistant receptacle and then blow out the flames. Then use a feather or your hands to fan the smoke around your body and home. I recommend cracking a window or door for ventilation and for releasing unwanted energies.

5. Use Holy Water

Learn how to make your own consecrated, or holy water, and use it for cleansing, protection, and blessing. Pour some holy water into a spray bottle. For an aura cleansing, spray it toward yourself from arms length (avoiding your eyes, of course). To bless and protect your home, spray holy water around the perimeter of your dwelling and yard. Many people will dismiss the power of holy water based on its association with the church. This is not about religion; this is about a pragmatic solution to an age-old problem. The fact of the matter is that holy water is your best protection against negative and dark energies.

6. Connect To Nature

Get outside and spend time in nature alone at least once a day to recharge. Sunlight is a natural energy purifier. Try walking, gardening, or just sitting under a tree. Touching a tree can help you ground and discharge negative energy from your body. Physically touching or sitting on the earth will have a calming and grounding effect. Take in the beauty of nature with all of your senses. Breathe in the colors, shapes, and textures. Immerse yourself in the sights, sounds and smells. Allow the natural world to ground you in the present moment.

7. Use Protection Stones

Protection stones can help dispel negative energies and shield you from psychic, emotional and physical attack. Black tourmaline repels lower, harmful frequencies and is good for general all-round protection. Black obsidian is a good grounding stone to wear in your aura each day, shielding you from negativity, sorcery and spirit attachments. Jet helps clear internalized emotional energy. Apache tears transmute negative energy. These crystals can be obtained as small tumbled stones which can easily be carried in your pocket every day. To protect your entire home, place black tourmaline or black obsidian in the four main corners of your house. Cleanse your stones frequently with holy water.

8. Sea Salt Baths

Sea salt has remarkable cleansing abilities. Having a soothing bath containing sea salt when you feel energetically overwhelmed can really make a huge difference in the way you feel. Just a handful of sea salt dissolved in a hot bath is a reliable remedy for clearing and recharging the energy field. You can use regular sea salt, Himalayan salt, Epsom salt, or other. Preferably, soak for at least 30 minutes, and say a quick blessing over the water before you get in. Keep a generous supply of drinking water on hand as well, and bless that too!

9. Raise Your Vibration
Drumming, chanting and prayer raise your vibration, open the heart and connect you with a power greater than yourself. Chanting has no limitations of time and space and can be done anytime or anywhere. Chants move us to a level of awareness beyond form, a place where we discover our own divinity. Regular prayer is a cornerstone of spiritual practice. Praying brings us Divine help, reduces our ego, grants us forgiveness of mistakes, and more. Repetitive drumming, chanting and prayer cleanse the aura, boost the immune system and produce feelings of well-being, a release of emotional trauma, and reintegration of self.

10. Establish Clear Personal Boundaries 

Establishing clear personal boundaries is the key to ensuring relationships are mutually respectful, supportive and caring. Boundaries are a measure of self-esteem. They set the limits for acceptable behavior from those around you. Clearly define what your physical, emotional and spiritual boundaries are with friends, family, co-workers and strangers. Identify your core values, belief system, and outlook on life so you have a clear picture of who you are and how you want to live. When linked to your core values, boundaries help you align your daily activities and behaviors with your life's purpose. The passionate expression of our soul's purpose is precisely the medicine the earth needs at this time.