Sunday, December 29, 2019

Drumming in the New Year

Happy New Year to you all! As 2019 comes to a close, I will be celebrating New Year's Eve by drumming out the old year 2019 and drumming in the New Year 2020. Drumming in the new year is believed to have originated in ancient China when creating noise from drums and fireworks was thought to dispel evil spirits and bring good luck. For thousands of years, the drum has been used as a tool for moving through sacred transitions, honoring changes in seasons, and attuning to the cyclical rhythms of nature. Drumming in the new year is a great way to set the tone and intention for 2020. It is also a good time to reflect on the year ending to see where you have erred and reform those beliefs, attitudes, and strategies no longer applicable to the New Year unfolding. It is an opportunity to feel gratitude for all that has been received and accomplished throughout the past year. Such a fresh open-minded approach will broaden your perspective and start you out on the right track. What will you be "drumming" into your life for 2020?

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Celebrate the Return of the Light on the Winter Solstice

In the Northern Hemisphere, the winter solstice is the first day of winter and the longest night of the year. The winter solstice is a turning point when the days start to grow longer. This occurs December 20, 21, or 22, varying from year to year, dependent upon the elliptical path of the Earth around our sun. Technically the solstice marks the instant at which the Earth's axis stops tilting away from the sun and starts going back the other way. Solstice means "standing-still-sun." At winter solstice, the sun journeys farthest south in its orbital path and for the next three days it rises and sets at virtually the same place on the horizon, appearing to stand still, and then it slowly returns north.

This three day pause in the sun's movement is a time to reflect on what is no longer serving us and to let those things go. We are each given the opportunity to take a peek at what is happening on a heart and soul level. We can reflect on the year ending to see where we have erred and reform those beliefs, attitudes, and strategies no longer applicable to the New Year unfolding. It is also time to feel gratitude for all that has been received and accomplished throughout the past year. Such a fresh open-minded approach will broaden our perspective and start us out on the right track.

Ancient peoples in our northern climes regarded winter solstice as the pivotal time of year. It is a time of transition in the annual cycle when the old year ends and our journey into the New Year begins. Most cultures planned festivals and celebrations at or around the winter solstice to ensure that the sun would return. Rituals were designed to divert nature from the path toward eternal winter and oblivion to one directed toward light and prosperity. Winter solstice was an affirmation of the continuation of life; that the cyclical order of time and the cosmos will continue intact.

Many of the traditions we now associate with Christmas have their roots in winter solstice celebrations. In much of northern Europe people ignited Yule bonfires to give life and power to the sun. Lighted candles were often placed on the branches of evergreen trees, which symbolized survival and eternal life. These symbols of warmth and lasting life were lit to hasten the "old" sun's waning and the "new" sun's rebirth. People often tied apples to the branches of firs and oaks to remind themselves that summer would eventually return. People would "deck the halls" with holly, ivy, yew, and many other herbs and evergreens to honor the nature spirits and to bring good luck. In the British Isles, mistletoe was placed upon altars. Mistletoe's golden color was believed to store the power of the sun, especially when plucked at the solstice.

The winter solstice is a time to celebrate the return of the light after a period of darkness. In my own solstice celebration, I like to incorporate a sacred fire. Before the sun sets on the solstice, I will light a large candle, call the spirit of the sun into that flame and allow it to burn until morning, when his spirit has returned to the sky. On the winter solstice we are all praying, on some level, for the darkness to end. "Just return the light!" the ceremonies seem to say. As we celebrate the return of the light, we affirm the continuation of life at the very moment of dissolution. To be sure, dark days lie ahead. But contained within each is the promise of brighter tomorrows.